Saturday, October 15, 2016

"IQ and wealth of Nations": A mere Fiction


Now comes his famous theories on "how people evolved on intelligence by living in cold weathers". All of it has been proven to be garbage and the scientific community does not acknowledge his theories at all. There are people with genius level IQs in Africa and people with IQs less than 70 in East Asia. If temperature was the sole reason for intellectual differences, there would be no genius level IQs in Africa.

The matter of the fact is that, average IQ deficit can purely arise due to differences in breeding patterns. If low IQ population in a nation A breeds twice as fast than low IQ population in nation B, it can cause IQ gap of 20 points in 6-7 generation.

Secondly, most well acknowledged reasons for lower IQs in Africa vs Europe is "out of Africa" theory. All humans have come out of Africa and there are archaeological evidences. Suppose humans decide to colonize Mars in 100 years or so. What will be the IQs of the astronauts that will board the mars spaceship. Of-course, they will be much smarter than general population as obviously a criminal will be unable to make it to a space program. After 1000 years when humans will have a big colony on Mars, there would be an IQ deficit of 30 points between martians and earthlings. It doesn't really mean that martian atmosphere has caused the gap. There is a great reason to believe that people who moved out of Africa had higher IQs than natives because smart ones are more likely to cross the rivers in order to migrate from one continent to another.
All this is assuming that Africans have lower average IQs than Europeans. I will hereby prove that they don't have lower IQs and will support it with relevant data.

Best nail on the coffin on his IQ evolution theories is India and China. In both these giga-nations, people who live towards the South are perceived to be smarter than those who live in the north or in cold weathers.


  1. Your website is very beautiful or Articles. I love it thank you for sharing for everyone. IQ Testing

  2. Out of Africa theory is a false discredited theory with questionable evidences, it's a theory that has been routinely debunked and discredited with contrary evidence but which is still propogated by mainstream academia because of a certain agenda by certain parties.

    The fact of the matter is that the genetic evidence for Out of Africa is extremely questionable and has been shown to be inaccurate to false. Second because Africa is such a large continent and right next to Europe region, that all archeological and excavation finds are biased towards Africa or focused disproportionately towards it leading to a false sample conclusion bias; however recent archeological finds from Europe to China to India have debunked and made it questionable how true this Out of Africa theory is, which is BS in all actuality.

    Africa would be one of the worst places in the world for human type hominids to evolve and live in, one it's filled with all sorts of dangerous mega-fauna to dangerous insects to irregular geography and environments, thanks to it's top down continental placement that make it very difficult to have large human population centers in for human type hominids to have evolved out of there or grown from there. Historically Eurasia and Europe had larger and bigger population centers then Africa and that is because due to these factors combined with the disadvantages of African geography, which means in the past this would also be the case except in a more disproportionate unequal form which means there is no way humans could have originated and spread from a place like Africa.

    Lastly, interestingly what many people don't know is that the earliest human skeleton finds from Africa is infact of the Caucasoid type and not the Negroid type unlike what most people think when it comes to Africa and there was pre-ancient Eurasian back migrations INTO AFRICA FROM OUTSIDE, which also undermines the basis for Out of Africa once one considers all these factors into the equation.
