IQ of mid-Eastern and North Africans:-
Lynn calculated an IQ of 84 for MENA (Middle East and North Africa). Although most of the nations had IQ calculated via "averaging two nations", the real potential of MENA region is not the same in each region.
Let me start with mid-East. There are 17 nations in mid-East (including Palestine):-
Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Syria, UAE, Israel, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar and Bahrain.
IQ of many nations like UAE and Qatar are well known.
PISA scores of UAE, Jordan, Israel, Turkey and Qatar can be seen here:-
UAE is 459 reading, 466 science, 453 maths.
Qatar is 372 reading, 379 science, 368 maths.
Jordan is 407 reading, 415 science, 387 maths.
Turkey is 473 reading, 454 science, 445 maths.
Israel is 483 reading, 455 science, 447 maths.
Scores of UAE are consistent in other editions of PISA as well which implied a mean score of 459 and a corresponding IQ of 92.5 IQ on UK norms (520 PISA scores for 100 IQ).
As there are no IQ reports on UAE, PISA should be taken as a proxy for UAE's IQ and not the average result of neighboring nations.
Qatar on the other hand had 373 score implying IQ of 78 IQ.
Jordan has mean score of 403 implying IQ of 83.
Israel has mean score of 462 implying IQ of 93.
Turkey has mean score of 457 implying IQ of 92.
Both Qatar and UAE have 50% and 100% participation in PISA, that is each and every kid in Qatar took PISA test and 50-60% in UAE were chosen (randomly selected by PISA).
Now, UAE has 30% Indian minority which score 30-40 points higher while Qatar has less than 10% Indian minority.
So, average IQ of Qatar is 78 and UAE (Arabs) is around 89. These are pretty much the low scoring nations in mid-East. Performance of both Qatar and UAE is constant in most PISA samples.
TIMMS results are also done on mid-East:-
Egypt: 406 (2003), Bahrain: 401 (2003), Saudi Arabia: 332 (2003), Palestine: 390 (2003), Iran: 422 (1999), 411 (2003), Turkey: 429 (1999), Israel: 466(1999), 496(2003). I will use England: 496 (1999) and New Zealand: 494 (2003) as IQ is calculated with UK norms and England's TIMMS 2003 score is not available.
So, average IQ as per TIMMS (UK norms):-
Egypt: 88, Bahrain: 87.5, Saudi Arabia: 75, Palestine: 85, Iran: 90, Turkey: 93, Israel: 98.
So, we have decent IQ estimates for 10/17 nations in the mid-East. Turkey had similar performance on both PISA and TIMMS while Israel had gap of 5 IQ in PISA and TIMMS which is because Palestine is not a nation as per PISA and included in Israel scores. So, all nations had similar performances on TIMMS and PISA.
Average IQ of mid-East nations:-
Egypt: 88, 90.25 millionBahrain: 87.5, 1.71 million
Saudi Arabia: 75, 31.52 million
Palestine: 85, 4.68 million
Iran: 90, 78.78 million
Turkey: 93, 78.21 million
Israel: 98, 8.37 million
UAE: 92.5, 10 million
Jordan: 83, 6.83 million
Qatar: 78, 2.11 million
Average IQ of these 10 nations is 88 IQ.
Let's assume the average IQ of remaining nations.
Iraq, Syria, Lebanon should have IQ as Iran and Turkey (90 IQ). Afghanistan will be mid way between Pakistan and Iran (92 IQ), Oman, Kuwait and Yemen should be same as Saudi Arabia (78).
So, overall IQ of mid-East is 89 IQ as per large scale surveys (not 84 as per Lynn). I will prove that mid-East indeed has higher IQ than South East Asia by TIMMS and every possible study.
Now the question arises, is there any scope of IQ gain up. As mid-East is very rich, there is hardly any scope of IQ increase via mal-nourishment. And as per WHO reports (, mid-East does not face iodine deficiency unlike Africa, and is at par with Europe on iodine status.
However, mid-East faces several fluoride contamination in water which dumps down the IQ significantly.
Source (Page 158):-
As can be seen that mid-East and North Africa, and in particular Saudi Arabia and Iran has the highest fluoride contamination in ground water in the whole world; exceeding East Asia and Europe by a factor of 4x which can bring down the IQ by 7-8 points at the minimum.
I will show later with the data on Iran that people in Iran score 97-104 IQ in controlled regions (where fluoride contamination is controlled) and in all regions of Iran which is the long term genotypic IQ of Iranians. And will show that East Asia also score in 80s in fluoride contaminated areas (though very limited).
Which means that long term IQ potential of mid-East is also 97 (same as Europe and India). Or the difference between Europeans and mid-Easterns on IQ which is 0.05% can be entirely due to environment and not genes.
And before I discuss the genotypic IQs of nations in my coming blogs, here are the environment contamination or factors lowering IQs in many regions:-
1. Europe: Iodine deficiencies in many regions.
2. India: Mal-nourishment, vegetarianism, mild fluoride.
3. Mid-East and North Africa: Severe to extreme fluoride, iodine deficiencies.
4. America: Fully immune and most first world conditions.
5. China: Iodine deficiencies in some provinces, very mild fluorosis.
Iodine deficiencies, fluorosis and mal-nourishment have the largest impact on IQ as it is observed.
Also want to point that there is a lot of fluoride contamination and poverty in America and flouride is everywhere in the water systems of America. Also I am not sure why you see Vegetarianism would lower IQ since many vegans and Vegetarians are infact usually upper class or wealthy yuppie hipsters types in Western countries context and even many famous racists like Hitler was vegeterian, however India is not mal-nourished, the idea it's malnourished is a fake distortion fabricated and concocted by the Western media. By all accounts India region is a rising and developing prosperous economy, if India is mal-nourished then places like China and North Korea is definitely mal-nourished as they have always had problems with famines and droughts that periodically have historically affected their regions and still does but which their governments cover up.
ReplyDeleteAlso there is a ton of mal-nourishment and food scarcity issues in the Middle East and has been for some time, especially with recent invasions and geo-politics making the region turbelant, so not sure why India is being highlighted for this in this one.